Ancient Egypt
We chose Ancient Egypt because we didn't really know much about it and we wanted to learn as much as we could. We used a green screen and imovie to add the effects in the background. We learned that over 52 million people used hieroglyphics to communicate.
We chose Knights because it was a civilization that we wanted to learn more about and it has different weapons, transport, buildings, tools, punishments,and laws. We chose powtoon to put in the thing link because it was a website that we had never used before and you could put all different kinds of stuff in there like: voice-over, animated characters, cool effects and you could put videos in there from youtube, all to make your presentation much more interesting.
Ancient Rome
Why we chose ancientRome:Because we wanted to learn about this ancient civilization.
One fact we liked the most about this civilization: Romulus was the first king of Rome.
Why we chose powtoon for this: We chose Powtoon because we wanted to use some animation and voiceovers to make it more interesting.
Ancient Greece
We chose this because we did not know anything about Ancient Greece and we thought is was going to be interesting and it was. The thing that we found most interesting was why the Greeks fought naked. Something that we need to work on is our voiceovers, spelling and grammar.
Ancient China
We did Ancient China for our context this term as we thought it would be fascinating to learn about.We chose Ancient China because we are individual girls and like to be different to all of our fellow students.One fact I liked about Ancient China is that building the Great Wall of China was harsh on the boys because not one girl helped them build it.
Ancient Japan
We chose ancient Japan because it was not very popular amongst our class and it was very interesting finding new information. One fact we rally enjoyed about ancient Japan is that sushi was created in China. We really enjoyed playing around with pow-toon to create an animated presentation .
Native American Indians
We chose Native Americans because Ethan and I are from America also they are really interesting and not that popular in our class.
Ancient Greece
We chose prezi because it looked cool. We liked how it hid our information in the images we chose. We chose to study Greece because it had lots of interesting information.
Our group picked the Incas because we liked how they lived, and we wanted to know more about their civilisation.
Our group chose thing link because we thought it would be a good website, and we liked how it was set up.
Our group looked on all of the websites that were relevant to our presentation.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
We created a presentation using google slides about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. We did this during context to show what we learned. There are a lot of great facts and also some awesome videos we found on Youtube.I recommend for you to take a look. By Aidan, Tyler and Hayley
GB News
Our group made a presentation on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.Our first step was to make a news report. It wasn't easy because we had to make sure that we had eye contact, and no laughing. We had lots of bloopers and a special song at the end. It was really hard to make the the imovie part hope you like it. BY Ethan,Liana,Cory
How the Great Pacific Garbage Patch affects wildlife.
For our context we researched the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is killing birds and marine life because of us. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a man made island made out of our debris like plastic bags,toys,bottles,cans,toothbrush's,lighters. please stop littering, by Henry James and Yash
This is what's happening in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
In this video we explain what is happening in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch and how it affects us. We learnt what it does to our land and sea animals such as albatross, turtles, seals and other land and sea animals.We learnt that even if we recycle it will still affect the ocean so we need to not use so much plastic we also need to come up with an idea to get rid of all the rubbish.
By Logan,Emily and Kyla. :-D
The Disgraceful Garbage Patch.
This is Chloe and Ella's project about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Its a place is the North Pacific Ocean that is filled with trash. This patch is killing lots of sea life like turtles, fish, seals, and others sea creatures, we're ruining their lives. Do you want to be responsible for this? We need to act now.
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